What about you In today’s Video I’ve got fourlawn care experts here and they’re goingto share some tips and trickson how to get your lawn readyfor spring, And I have some reallyexciting news to share, but more on that later Richard Salmon and I’m going to talk toyou today About the importance of soil to growthe best possible lawn, So I’m just goingto look at some soil now, underneath if wehaven’t got good soil, we’re not going to get agood lawn
It’S resulting in good soil, structureum, good, healthy root system – that’s growingdown out of this particular soil. If it wascompacted there would be no root structure, andthat soil wouldn’t hold together. The fact thatsoil is holding together shows you there’s a goodroot structure, because the roots are growing downthrough. The soil holding onto the soil
Whatthat means is in the summer month when thatmoisture is evaporated because of the summer heat. These roots are going further down into the soilprofile and they will enable the grass to stay longer alive because it’s actually tapping intowater below the soil. So a good soil structure, good root growth, a much better lawn in the summer. So here we are in the orchard lawn
It’S a slightly different soil type, tothe front lawn, but let’s have a lookand see whether it differs at all. Shall we Already? I can see that’s a slightly differentsaw type, a lot heavier, not so much sand in it anda little bit more on the compacted side In thewinter months. We want to try and avoid compactionbecause. These areas that should be full of air are now not full of air, because they’re compacted sothis grass here will suffer in terms of some ofthose. Older leaves will start to die off. Becauseall grass needs oxygen and, if we’re short of oxygen, the there’s not enough oxygen to go around so someof, these older leaves are going to start to dieoff
So getting that structure right in the wintermonths is really important and that’s where we’llprobably be using aeration tool or some tine whichis going to break through and open up. The soilto allow oxygen in because, if you think aboutit most lawns are walked on they’re mowed, witha mower, with possibly a roller on everythingwe’re doing to a lawn, we’re squashing the air outof. It We’ve got to try and get air back in and sowith an aeration machine which is punching holesin, we’re going to get oxygen back into the soil.
Not only is that going to improve the structure, but there’s lots of good bacteria and fungi thatlive under the soil under the grass and if theyhaven’t got oxygen, they can’t breed. We want toencourage as much bacteria and as much fungi todo their bit in the soil, because they’re going torelease nutrients into the soil solution that theplant can then take up. So there’s organic matterthat’s, locked up in the soil and the bacteriaand fungi work a lot better. If there’s oxygen.in the soil,
So we’ve got to harness the goodnessfrom, the oxygen not hinder it and that’s whererolling and compaction is not good, but aeration. Andan, open soil is really good for our lawn, So don’ttrample over your lawn in the winter months, but do aerate it. If you get an opportunity to
Good test as to whether the soil is healthyor, not if, if it smells sweet, almost like sweetmeadow soil, there’s a good indicationthere’s, a lot of oxygen in the soil, andthat’s a healthy soil,
If it smells a littlebit rancid, almost a little bit like seaweed, then that’s a good indication. It couldbe anerobic and what I mean by anerobicis that the soil is functioning withoutoxygen. So it starts to ferment and rot alittle bit, which isn’t ideal for the grass Wewant, a nice sweet soil lots of oxygen healthy lawn. So here we are at the test site where we’ve gotthree different grass situations. So if we look atthe first one down here, we’ve got a predominantRye sward
Now, perennial Rye grass is quite an open. Grasswhich means that you can see into it and you cansee the soil. It is prone to a lot of diebackand. If you can see here, for example, what happensis we we’ve just followed, two or three very warmwet months.
Now this grass plant here its mainleaf, is alive. It’S second and third leaf butthis leaf. Here it decides the plant decides. “ Ihaven’t got enough oxygen left in the soil, it’ssaturated I’m going to abort that leaf. .” Theplant still stays alive, but it just looks a littlebit untidy because you got lot of yellownessin it. So Rye grass is particularly prone tochillers dying off in the winter months, and itcan lead to quite an open sward when you cometo the spring
So there are ways of overcomingthat by overseeding and aerating, but I justwanted to on this example show you the differenttypes of grass situation. We’Ve got So this sectionhere, predominantly a Rye grass sward. We have thissection here a mixture of Rye grass and KentuckyBluegrass, which is pensis, and this section hereis a mixture of tall Fescue and Rye grass.
Thisparticular trial we’re looking mainly at a Fescuesward. You can see. The grass is a lot finer. Thanthe Rye grass was but you’ll also notice, there’s alot less dieback than there was in the Rye, grasssward Rye. We known is prone to Winter. Diebackand thinning This lawn itself. If you’re lookingfrom the top – it’s still quite thick, so it’s quitea good lawn to help withstand the riigours ofwinter
It will still have yellowness. It will stillhave the odd leaf dying off because there’s notenough oxygen to go around so it will stillabort. Some of those leaves that it can’t supportbut generally, a Fescue lawn will come through thewinter, better than a Rye grass lawn will
So herewe are on the third section of lawn and we’ve gota mixture of um Tall Fescue, other types of Fescue anda little bit of Rye grass in there as well. So it’s it’snot different in in the fact that it is losingsome of its leaves. There is a little bit yellowness inthe bottom there, but that’s to be expected. Thistime of the year.
We are in January, It follow twoor three months of mild, wet weather, but it willrecover and we’re going to show you how to helpit recover and if we look in particular at theoriginal sward, I showed you. If we look over, hereyou can see there’s quite a lot of yellowing ofthe leaf tips. If you can see there that sufferedin the winter months just from being too wet andtoo mild, but one of my other superstars will bealong shortly to show you how to rectify this.
Lawn and how to make it look good in Readinessfor spring Whoa. What about that? Richard thank you.So, much fantastic advice.
Now, before I show you therest of my super stars, I’ve got something reallyimportant to tell you, I’m starting a new second YouTube Channel called Roots to Revenue. It’S a podcastChannel and it’s going to be about tips and adviceon how to grow a small business. The people thatare featured in today’s video, the experts thatare in today’s Video, are all going to be on thenew, podcast, Channel and they’re here to recordsome content for the podcast, and I ask themfor their lawn care tips and advice.
Some reallyreally good stuff coming up.
Before I show youthe next one, just in the Video Description and inthe Comments and at the end of this Video there’sgoing to be a Link to the new Channel so makesure to head over there and check it out, afteryou finish this Video. Now, let’s go and see what mynext lawn care super star is up to He’s in the garden Hi. My name is Jack and todayI’m going to be giving you some lawn mowing tips to give your lawn itsbest start this year. So there’s acouple of things that we need to dobefore. We even get the lawn mower out.
So now we’ve got the twigs cleared now we’regoing to consider how we’re going to deal with thenext biggest bug bear which coming out of winteris, often worm casts So worm casts, are just thedeposit that worms leave when they come to thesurface such as this here
We’Re now going toshow you a few easy ways of dealing with theseworm casts, so we can get a good cutting of the lawn. So this is the green keeper’s switch Tobe completely honest I’ve never usedone of these before and it’s not actually all that easy.
Let’S try something a bit easier, My personalfavorite tool for my little lawn and that’s a broom. So this is just a simple stiff brush, something that everyone would have often aroundthe house. This is my preferred weapon of choicewhen. It comes to dealing with worm, casts It doesa great job in dispersing, worm casts knockingany moisture just off the leaf of the grass-just. To give you a a better cut when it comes tomowing and it’s perfect when you’ve got a smaller lawn
So brushing your lawn is a great movethroughout, the winter and spring months. We’Vejust knocked the moisture off the leaves ofthe grass and we’ve dispersed. The worm casts
If you’re looking to mow your lawn potentiallylater in the day day, this would be ideal to doin the morning or if you realize that your lawnis may be a little bit soft and a little bit toowet to cut at very least you can give it a brush- And even put a few stripes in the lawn in the process, Now we’re going to takea look at the drag mat This isthe ideal tool really for Robbie’slawn rather than trying to use a broom. So, as you can see see, the drag mat is muchbetter for medium to large lawn for dispersingworm casts. You can even stripe up with the dragmat as well, but that’s not too important. Todayas we’re going to give the lawn a cut.
So we’vecleared the lawn for debris,
Including all ofthose twigs and we’ve dispersed worm casts as bestthat. We can. We checked that the lawn’s dry enoughto cut. We’Ve got the mower There’s one more thingthat we need to do. Rgular viewers will rememberthis it’s really important that we check theheight of the lawn before we consider givingit that cut
So the lawn’s about 4 cm long wewant to be sure that we’re following the 1/3rule, so in this instance we certainly don’t wantto, be cutting the lawn any shorter than 30 mm.On. This mower the bottom setting is 30 mm There’snot a need to cut quite that low. So we’re quitehappy to cut on the setting one from the topgiven that this is just the first cut of the year.
Now we’ve set theheight of cut, let’s cut some grass If you cut your lawn on a settingand, it’s slightly too high. That’S okay!
You can always drop the blades down again ifstraight away or even the following weekend.The important thing is to know that you knowyour own lawn and the settings on your own lawn, mower, Hello. I’M Curtis today weare going to show you some aeration techniques, Following on from Richard talkingabout lawn aeration, we’re now going to show yousome of the equipment we’re going to use, so we’ve got Robbie’s lawn, aerator, herethat, you’ve, probably seen in many Videosand. We’Re also going to show two otheroptions. If you haven’t got one of thesemachines and you don’t want to hire one in
Many of you guys may have a drill at home. You probably won’t have one of these auger pieces.There will be a Link in the Description as towhere. You can get one of these. I’M sure Robbiewill put that in for you
What you’re going toget with this one is you’re, actually going toget a lot deeper than a normal drill bit Youcould use a normal one, but with this we’regoing to get a lot further down We’re justgoing to go down to the edge of the lawn totry
This may not be suitable for all lawns cuzwhere. We are here in this big field. It is quite stony, As you can see, the ground is verywet and we have hit a lot of stones goingdown here. So we didn’t quite get the holeand the depth. We would have liked to havegot. We’Ve tried it on the test patch we’re now going to try it on the main lawn, I’m on the main lawn to try in one of thesecorners, where it gets a lot more wear from the mowers.
If you’re going to go deep with the auger bit just be mindful of any services or any wires underneath
You could now fill the holeback in with stones, compost or a freedraining sand, which is going to benefitthe lawn massively. We’Ve showed you thedrill. We’Ve showed you the big machine, we’renow going to show you something that you allprobably have. Everyone has probably gotone of these. If you haven’t go and get one, This is best done early spring or throughthe winter, when the ground isn’t too hot. This is hard work and if you can’t bebothered to do the whole lawn, let me showyou on the areas you should concentrate on.
Onrobbie’S lawn here this is the only access on onand off the lawn
As you can see, it is yellowingand thin and there is some bare spots here: sowe’re going to run over it with the fork getsome holes in there and just get some air in there. I only come here for thepodcast. I didn’t come here for this, So Robbie’s told me that I’m not getting a lift back to the airport. Until I treat hislawn, I tried to explain. I do North Essex, notNorthern, Ireland, but I’d better, get wiggle on cuzotherwise, I’m not going to get home in time.
Hi guys Mark from LAWNOLOGIST, and today I want totalk to you about a little hack for springtimethat’s, going to give you a richer, greener and moreverdant lawn and get rid of them. Yellow tips, inthe grass, you’ve, probably seen throughout thewinter period,
Let’S get on with it So believe: itor not and you’ve, probably seen Robbie use thisproduct several times in his Videos. Iron sulfate.This is a powdered product premix. It yourself takes a little bit mucking around, but this isthe cheaper one out of the three and this will will add a real verdant, green and resilienceinto. Your lawn
If you fancy spending a bit moremoney and saving yourself a bit more hassle, youcan go for a liquid iron product. Now, personally, this is my preference, because I like to savea bit of time, make things easy for myself.
Same sort of thing, liquid iron again will offeryou a verdant green disease, resilience and wouldalso help with chlorophyll production as well sostart your grass green up, which would be lovely.That’s my preference. Now, if you really want toTurbo Charge, what you’ll doing for your lawns andthen, and we always recommend this chuck in someliquid seaweed,
Liquid seaweed is so underrated, andso undervalued in lawn care, but it’s an absolutetreasure trove of natural, organic nutrients, traceelements and trace minerals and the the topsecret thing with this is not only does it. Feedyour grass feeds your soil as well, and the keyto a good lawn is not only what you do with thegrass, but what you do with the soil and we oftentalk about things like aeration and and that thisgo hand in hand. This will feed your soil. It willfeed up your microbiology and your soil, biology and tothe point where it’s kind of running along likea little engine underneath and giving your lawna really good boost from below, as well as whatyou’re. Putting on top
Now this product here it’sjust a simple case so mix it with the right amountof water pop in your knapsack and spray away, Thisproduct here same again, Mix it with the rightamount of water pop in your knapsack and sprayaway. If you’re mixing iron and seaweed together yougot to be careful because you mix them directlytogether, it goes claggy and goes sticky and likeputty in some products.
So here’s my little toptip for this When you’re mixing up your ironand, your seaweed togethe r, get your knapsack or whateverspraying device you’re using pop some water, infirst, just plain water Measure out your iron Put another amount of water in give it a shakeand, give it a Mix up so what we’re doing is we’rediluting the iron
Measure out your seaweed popit in your napsack, give it a shake, give it a mixup, then finish up with the remaining amountof water. Whatever you got left and give it agood shake
That way, you’ve got it mixed, really really well you’re not going to get any lumpsbumps um and you’re not going to get the seaweedreacting to the iron. So it goes. Claggy especiallyif there’s organic matter in the seaweed Anotherlittle hack for you, one last thing as well: withyour, liquid iron. It will stain If you’re goingto mix up on concrete on paving slabs if you’regoing to mix up on decking it will stain So twolittle hacks. I can offer you to help you with this, because once it’s on there you’ll end up withrust patches,
First thing: where you’re going totreat, if your lawn area falls onto concrete justsoak, the concrete first
Keep it wet before youspray. That means any overspray you’re going toget is going to be dissipated by the water andnot absorbed in by the concrete or the stone orthe slabs. If you’re unlucky and you get some onyour feet and you find yourself walking ontoyour patio. There is a product you can use tolift it, and you can thank me later, for this go toany good automobile store, any good car store, bignames, I’m not going to mention any and get somewheel cleaning stuff, wheel, cleaning, spray, It’sthe type of stuff. You spray on your wheels. Andit will go purple as it reacts to the iron andthe brake dust. Get that find your dots on theon, the concrete spray it very quickly give it ascrub.
Agitate it with a brush flush. It with water.You’ll have no more stain. Don’T forget that cuz Ican guarantee you if you’re spraying iron you’regoing to stain something. I do, and I do it everyday that’s Mark from the Lawnologist and I hope thathelps you
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